Brushing Teeth Fresh




Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is a leading cause of tooth loss and effects more than 45% of adults in the UK.  Although it is not painful, and therefore often goes unnoticed for a long period of time, when it is left untreated it can cause serious damage to your bone and tissue.  It is important to attend regular check-ups with the dentist and hygienist so that any problems can be treated in their early stages before any damage results.


There are many different symptoms of periodontal disease including: 

  • Bleeding of the gums when brushing you teeth, or at any time
  • Bad breath
  • Swollen or red gums
  • Sore or itchy gums
  • The gum line is receding 



There are several different treatment options depending on the magnitude of the damage. It is important not only to cure the evident problems but also to stop the progression.  Once diagnosed we will recommend the level of treatment required to bring your teeth and gums into optimum health.  

Deep Cleaning or Root Surface Debridement

When caught in the early stages best form of treatment is simply a very deep clean.  This deep clean is carried out by our qualified dentist and uses specialist instruments called scalers which remove tartar and bacteria from the gum line.  


Where the infection has spread further and more than a simple deep cleaning is required you may be prescribed antibiotics in conjunction with the deep clean.


Where the damage and infection are severe we may refer you to a specialist periodontist for gum surgery.   



For most people the prevention of periodontal disease is as easy as maintaining good oral hygiene.  This includes brushing your teeth twice a day with an electric toothbrush and careful flossing.  Having routine dental exams and visits to the hygienist are an important step in maintaining your oral health.  We recommend seeing the dentist and hyginiest every six months. 

For more on these services please follow the links below: 

Routine Dental Examinations

Hygienist Services